Student Blog Challenge 2016

Student Blog Challenge 2016

It’s time once again for a new batch of our students to join the global academic community.

For the past 2 years ISD has utilized the Student Blog Challenge as a way of enabling our 9th grade students to develop their global presence and academic skills.

“Social Media for academic use”

When I mention that to most students, they look at me like I’m crazy. But over time they learn about the opportunities and the process. In the future, it can be a way for them to obtain primary resources for their research papers (EE).

Some students have great success, while others end up with very little. Either way there is learning occurring and our students are getting exposed to the wealth of opportunities that exist, both in the cyberworld and the physical one.


@ISDakar Supports UN 2030 Schools Goals

ISD’s Guiding Statements encourage our students to become global citizens who address complex problems and are of service to others.

Towards that end our 9th Grade Digital Citizen Class students created projects to support the UN 2030 Goals. They researched the project goal of their choice and created a digital media product to promote understanding and perhaps action towards that end.

Here’s what our creative students then shared with the world: